Thursday, September 10, 2015

Pluto dog star [Science fiction poetry]

Pluto dog star

Pluto dog star
atomic blast, and a rocket
passed by
everythign else
but itself
in the deepest and darkest
of space,
even space passing by,
until there's nothing else
to stand by,
but this everpresent nothing
moving deeper
into itself
yet again,
as it once ever was.
never disappearing
always being more
of exactly
just the same

empty void
of a blackened out
no stars
sun, or sky
passing on by
their ever-distant lines

and the weight of the world
so ever-more
uranic, saturnic
plutonic. Platonic.
(The heaviest waters
and the darkening orb)
in the old,
and still new
to even yet be
but therefore: so much
in its darkening canvas
in the empty nothing of all.

possibilities to be
(or never more, still to be)
to be destroyed forevermore
become by something ever-still more
neither here
nor faraway there
always somewhere, "there", or inbetween
what had once almost come to be
in this moment of space

INspired bartly by the musings and speculations of Christopher Knowles about the pluto mission, and the possible extra-plutonic object (planet x) that is being searched and speculated about. As well as other writings about pluto and the solar system.